
Hija de Gloria y Emilio Estefan se declara homosexual y envía romántico mensaje a su novia

Recientemente las chicas acudieron juntas a un evento en Estados Unidos, donde también asistieron sus padres


Miami, Estados Unidos
La hija de Emilio y Gloria Estefan, Emily, dio a conocer al mundo su preferencia sexual enviando un romántico mensaje a su novia mediante su cuenta de Instagram.

Emily Estefan publicó una fotografía junto a su chica y escribió: “Feliz aniversario para mi persona delicada, audaz, inteligente, importante, honesta, cariñosa, divertida (pero no tanto como yo), valiente, compasiva, paciente, ruda, talentosa y la más hermosa… Flor de Luna”. Te amo”.

Ante tan romántico mensaje, su novia Gemeny, no tardó en responder al amor que la hija de los músicos le profesa.

“He vivido cada uno de los últimos 365 días de mi vida perdidos en este hermoso lugar, este hermoso amor. Perdida en ti y en el extraordinario honor de amarte”, señaló la dueña del corazón de Emily.

Las jóvenes celebran su primer aniversario de noviazgo. Recientemente acudieron juntas a un evento en el John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Art en Washington, Estados Unidos, donde también asistieron sus padres.

La hija de Gloria y Emilio no es la única que se ha declarado gay en lo que va de 2017, pues recientemente el hijo de la fallecida cantante Jenny Rivera también lo hizo.

Johnny también usó sus redes sociales para expresar amor a su novio al mismo tiempo que lo presentaba a los seguidores de su madre.

One beautiful spin around the sun by your side. One complete Circle. And each circle that follows, will be formed around the last, creating the fiercest and fastest growing bond. And even though the bond resembles the closeness of roots and soil, the way in which it is being formed over time allows each and every ring involved to be completely suspended in mid air. Pull the people close in life who push you because they love you. Who open your mind because they want to adventure with you. Who teach you how to respect the things you value, including yourself. And most of all, who love you because they love YOU. Happy anniversary to my delicate, bold, intelligent, important, honest, loving, funny (but not funnier than me), brave, compassionate, patient, badass, talented, and the most beautiful... Moon Flower. I love you. One circle exquisitely sealed in time forever. Cheers to many more, and tons more laughing. ?12/13?

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What does it feel like to have words like THIS written about you? I’ll let you know when I have an answer.. for now.. I’m just a glowing puddle. I love you. Each and every word you write elevates me. (about me or not) I can’t wait for the world (and you) to see what you’re capable of. #Repost @holagemeny ・・・ “What do you have to say about our anniversary?” she asks, as if my love for her could ever find it’s resting place among the curling lines of letters turned words. It can’t. What do you do when your life comes to a stop as a result of one meeting, one person? How do you cope? Where do you go? I imagine these are things I would’ve asked myself if I had any choice in the matter. But I didn’t. You see, you swept me. You took me from my standing place and catapulted me to a new world. A brand new place, a most beautiful universe unlike anything I had every seen. (I know now I could only have reached it with you holding my hand.) There is love in every corner here. And not the kind of love you might think I’m referring to. Not flowers, chocolates, and poor-rhyme-scheme love. True love. Good love. Our love. Love that permeates every piece of its surroundings. Love that chokes you, shakes you, scares you, illuminates you, heals you, awakens you. Love that pours so much of itself into you, you can’t help but become it. Love that is so loud, everything else is just background noise. And it looks so much like you. I have lived every one of the last 365 days of my life lost in this beautiful place, this beautiful love. Lost in you, and the extraordinary honor of loving you. You are light, you are beauty, you are home, and you are all that I aspire to be. I don’t know where you came from, but I am sure glad you are here. To 1, to 2, to 20 lifetimes more. I love you. Yours, fully, Moon Flower P.S. Hearing our voices together is the closest I’ve been to heaven.

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